Welcome to the home of the Capitol Hill Monitors


The Capitol Hill Monitors is a club for scanner radio enthusiasts in Washington, D.C., Maryland, northern Virginia and lower Delaware. CHM sponsors occasional tours and meetings. The club's newsletter supplements other hobbyist publications such as the former Monitoring Times.

The CHM Newsletter

The Capitol Hill Monitor is the non-profit newsletter of the Capitol Hill Monitors. The newsletter keeps scanner enthusiasts abreast of local meetings, tours, frequency profiles and other topics of interest.

Subscribe here to the Capitol Hill Monitor newsletter (please click the 'Subscribe' button after you enter your e-mail address and name):

* indicates required

This is a private list (your e-mail is safe from spam). The dues only cover mailing costs for people who are unable to receive the newsletter online.  Ten mailed issues are $10. There are no other fees or dues associated with CHM.


Click HERE for the archive of past CHM newsletters.


IMPORTANT reference websites for D.C. area scanner listeners:


Join the Discussion via e-mail on the Scan-DC Listserv:

Scan-DC is an electronic-mailing list dedicated to discussion of scanner radio-related topics in the Washington-Baltimore area. List members send messages to the MailMan software which distributes the messages to all list members. Members can receive the messages individually, or in a periodic digest which collects multiple messages and distributes them as a single message.


National Capital Region Public Safety Zello Notification Channel

Share current public safety information for the D.C. area on the FREE Zello VoIP "walkie talkie" network using your smart phone. This channel was inspired by the Scan-DC e-mail group. Users may share details on local incidents (fire, police) and more! Feel free to share information you feel is pertinent!



Join CHM on Facebook!


Feel free to write, fax or e-mail for more information. We welcome frequency and visitor requests, but please include a reply envelope.

Newsletter Staff and E-Mail Addresses:

Alan Henney, General Editor and Acting Treasurer ( )
Mike Peyton, Technical Advisor


The articles linked here are courtesy of the RadioReference Wiki. This is a user edited and maintained area on the popular RadioReference website. The articles shown here are just a small sample of what is available. To view the site, simply click on the 'wiki' link. RadioReference members may edit nearly any of these articles by using their RadioReference userid and password to sign on (registration is free).

Are you just getting started in the hobby? Then start by reading the Scanning 101 article

Are you looking to buy a scanner from a local dealer (besides Radio Shack)? Then check out our List of local retailers

Regions Covered on this page

Delaware District of Columbia Maryland Virginia

Scanner Topics

Scanners Applications Equipment Topics
Analog Trunkers Software Antennas Connecting Scanners via USB
Digital Trunkers Programming FAQs Accessories Connecting Scanners to Soundcards
Handheld Receivers RR Web Service Filters Delmarva Milcom
Desktop Receivers Aeronautical Manuals Glossary
PC Driven Federal Powering the Scanner Modifications
Marine Channels   Narrowbanding
  Railroad   Rebanding
  SATCOM   Reviews
      Trunking (PDF)
      Trunking Decoders
      VHF/UHF Skip



Maps and associated data for GPS-aided scanners (courtesy Dewey Watkins)

Maryland Eastern Shore (Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico and Worcester)

Northern Maryland (Baltimore City/Co, Carroll, Frederick, Harford and Washington)

D.C. and Southern Maryland (Calvert, Charles, St. Mary's, and Prince George's)

Central Maryland (Anne Arundel, Howard and Montgomery)